Your local cancer champion

Roisin Foster Cancer Focus Northern Ireland Chief Executive Roisin Foster outlines how the charity is helping people.

The recently closed consultation on Transforming Your Care has certainly focused attention on how the future might look for people facing a cancer diagnosis and their families. Currently there are over 70,000 people in Northern Ireland living with cancer, more than ever before, and the number of cases diagnosed each year continues to rise. As our population ages, we know that this will continue to be the case and as research brings new and better treatments so the number of people living with cancer, rather than dying from it, will also increase.

While more people surviving cancer is very positive, many people have long-term effects and require ongoing treatment and support. This places increasing pressure on community services and some of these are already stretched to the limit.

For me, a commitment to local people means that Cancer Focus will step up to the mark. Whether continuing to fund lifesaving research here in Belfast, the unrivalled work we do, right from nursery age, to help people reduce their risk of cancer or the help and support we offer freely to anyone affected by cancer, we will be there.

With almost 95 per cent of what we spend here in Northern Ireland each year coming from the local community, that isn’t a small task, but it’s one I’m determined to stand over.

Being in the community is at the heart of what we do. Our newest Keeping Well mobile service takes vital health checks to workplaces and venues in towns and villages across Northern Ireland. As we fundraise to keep this service, literally on the road, we have committed money raised through our 12 charity shops to go directly for this purpose. In this way, we hope local people will be able to see a real and tangible benefit to their support.

Late diagnosis continues to be a major factor affecting outcomes for patients and our Well Aware Project, funded by the Big Lottery Fund and in partnership with Oaklee Homes Group, aims to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of cancer among the 60-plus age group. This is also a mobile service with our Well Aware staff visiting over 60s in locations that suit them.

Although Cancer Focus is very much a local Northern Ireland charity, we also look further afield to ensure we keep abreast of the latest and best in cancer care, support and prevention. We are members of the Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL) and I am proud to have been appointed as a member of the board of this prestigious organisation.

There is a vast wealth of talent in Europe and it is vital for Cancer Focus and Northern Ireland to be part of that important network and share innovative research and developments in the battle against this devastating disease.

Equally as the secretariat for the All-party Assembly Group on Cancer, we are able to support our politicians and policy-makers in making decisions that improve the health outlook for local people. Primarily, Cancer Focus is a local charity for local people and we’re here for the long haul.

CANCER-FOCUS-LOGO Cancer Focus Northern Ireland

40-44 Eglantine Avenue

Belfast, BT9 6DX

Tel: 028 9066 3281



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