Thompson’s farm priorities

John Thompson

North Antrim dairy farmer John Thompson is the new President of the Ulster Farmers’ Union. He was elected unopposed at the organisation’s recent AGM. Speaking to agendaNi directly after the meeting, he outlined his list of priorities for the period ahead.

“The attainment of sustainable farm gate prices will always be at the top of every President’s wish list,” he explained. “However, in my case I want to make sure that the new Supermarket Ombudsman has real teeth.”

Thompson continued: “The forthcoming review of the Common Agricultural Policy is a key challenge for agriculture as a whole. It is the union’s job to ensure that the best possible deal is secured for local farmers.”

John Thompson then highlighted the absolute importance of improving animal health standards within Northern Ireland’s livestock sectors.

“TB and Brucellosis are still with us,” he commented. “However, there is a need for the industry to get on top of non notifiable diseases, such as IBR [infectious bovine rhinotracheitis]. The union has consistently supported the principle of an improved animal health status across both statutory and production diseases, and will continue to work closely with the industry and government to make progress on this critical issue.”

Turning to the subject of how the union actually goes about its business, the new President confirmed that the real strength of the organisation was centred on its members.

“I also want to look to the future and focus on encouraging more young people to join and become involved in the work of the union,” he further explained.

John Thompson is a dairy farmer from Ballymoney. He was educated at Strabane Agricultural College before returning home to the family farm. Dairying is the main farming enterprise with a 160-cow pedigree Holstein dairy herd and followers on the 300 hectare farm.

The farm is a self-contained unit with the arable enterprise producing grain and whole crop to support the livestock enterprise. John farms along with his son.

Coming as he does from a strong farming area, John has been involved in all the main agriculturally-related organisations. He was a member of the local Young Farmers Club, where he held all offices as well as serving on the YFCU County and Executive Committees. He has served as Vice Chairman of, and continues to be closely involved in, the North Antrim Agricultural Association, the society which runs the local agricultural show.

John is also a local director of the NFU Mutual insurance company and a member of the UFU Board and Executive, having previously held several UFU committee positions including Chairman of the Dairy Committee and Antrim County Committee. He also is currently a board member of Agrisearch, and was previously a board member of the Greenmount Cream Herd project.

John Thompson replaces outgoing UFU President Graham Furey, who completed a very successful two-year term in office.

Furey enjoyed an eventful and challenging period as President. Key issues included the implementation of the EU’s Nitrates Directive, dairy industry crisis, dioxins, dealing with the flooding in Fermanagh and the aftermath of the severe winter in 2009.

During his time, the UFU campaign to persuade the Government to establish an independent supermarket ombudsman proved successful and Mr Furey was also heavily involved in the union’s 90th Anniversary Africa Appeal which took him to Kyengando in Uganda last year to open the new UFU school.

The newly elected UFU Deputy Presidents are Draperstown beef and sheep producer Harry Sinclair, and Ballyclare pigs and beef producer Norman Robson.

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