Think tank event / Working lunch
Think Tank event / working lunch
A structured event creating an opportunity to present and engage with stakeholders including clients and key experts within key sectors.
- agendaNi editor, Owen McQuade would chair the discussion.
- Bring together 12-15 key stakeholders within a particular sector to discuss chosen theme/pre-outlined topics.
- The event will begin with a presentation from the host (10 minutes).
- Presentation from a chosen visiting key note speaker (10 mins).
- Following on from the presentations a discussion will take place along with the 10 other leading professionals/stakeholders from other organisations. This will be a structured discussion from a list of pre-shared 4/5 key topics and questions, in the format of a round table discussion with a flip chart aid by Owen McQuade (2 hours).
- Raise profile in targeted sector
- Engage with stakeholders
- Gain recognition as a thought leader
- Raise the profile to key decision makers within the sector
- Create exclusive networking opportunity
The final published think tank discussion provides a useful publication for engaging with stakeholders.
- Five – six page feature in the magazine which will be illustrated by photographs and quotes from each participant, chaired by agendaNi Managing Editor Owen McQuade.
- agendaNi would also organise transcription and photography of the event.
- The senior host representative will be profiled at the beginning of the feature along with a short summary to set the scene of the feature.
Benefits include:
- Company logo on each page of the feature [five/six pages]
- Company banner stand positioned beside discussion table
- Opportunity to host event and provide input on discussion topics and attendees
- One place on the discussion panel
- Participant profile with individual photo and highlighted quotes in feature
- Stand-alone brochure of feature published with corporate advertisement on outside back cover, supplied to client for their own marketing purposes and also made available at all agendaNi events.