We build on ambition. YOURS

The Housing Executive is the strategic housing authority for Northern Ireland and the largest social housing landlord in the UK. Through our leading-edge research and housing analysis, we inform and support housing regeneration initiatives to enable sustainable communities.

At the Housing Executive, we are passionate about investing in new talent through our Early Careers programme.

The programme draws together a number of strands including graduate and trainee programmes, apprenticeships, work experience and placement opportunities. We work in partnership with local schools, colleges, universities and training providers to maximise these opportunities.

“We look for graduates, trainees, apprentices and placement students of the highest calibre who are skilled, ambitious and motivated, who share our values, and who have the potential to take on challenging responsibilities and make a significant contribution to the business,” says Catherine McFarland, Director of Finance.

“We have a long-established track record in providing opportunities for excellent career development, as well as personal growth through on the job training, further education, coaching and mentoring.”


We run apprenticeship programmes in various departments at a variety of levels aimed both at school leavers and higher level apprenticeships for graduates.

These roles typically consist of a period of two to four years part-time training in a local college or university (paid for by the Housing Executive) alongside employment with us and support from senior staff and in-house mentors.

Some of the job areas where we have or will take on apprentices include:

  • Information Technology
  • Business Administration
  • Asset Management
  • Accountancy
  • Audit
  • Electricians
  • Vehicle Maintenance
  • Grounds Maintenance
  • Graduate trainees

Our trainees undertake appropriate relevant part-time study related to the particular area of business. We recognise that entering the workforce can be daunting and a steep learning curve so we offer great support with a mentoring system including coaching and training in management skills and personal development.

Each trainee is required to complete an external professional qualification with their internal training programme, the cost of which is met by the Housing Executive.

While salaries may differ slightly depending on the role, these opportunities typically have a starting salary of around £17,700.

After two to three years, on completion of the training programme, trainees progress to a salary scale of roughly £22,700-£28,000 or £27,000-£33,400, depending on the role.

Some of the job areas where we have or will take on Graduates Trainees include:

  • Information Technology
  • Human Resources
  • Housing Services
  • Asset Management
  • Procurement
  • Accountancy
  • Audit
  • GEM Programme (The Graduate Employment Mentoring Programme is a 12- month internship for graduates. As part of the accredited programme, students complete a level 4 CIH Certificate in Housing while working in a variety of housing roles.

All trainees and apprentices working with us have full access to our comprehensive benefits package.

We also give young people opportunities through Year Out, Summer Placements and work experience.

Housing Executive
2 Adelaide Street
Belfast, BT2 8PB

T: 03448 920 900

For more information email: hr.adminteam@nihe.gov.uk

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