Tascomi: using technology to help improve animal welfare
Tascomi software supports the animal welfare officer’s role in Northern Ireland’s local authorities.
In April 2012, local authorities in Northern Ireland received new responsibilities to enforce the powers allowed for in the Welfare of Animals (Northern Ireland) Act 2011, in respect of non-farmed animals. Animal welfare officers were appointed across each geographical area, with the remit to take a range of actions in order to improve the welfare of these animals. These actions include the provision of advice, issuing of improvement notices and in extreme cases, taking animals into their possession and initiating prosecution action.
Tascomi is pleased to announce that due to the collaborative approach adopted by the local authorities, we have been able to develop a standardised, web-based and mobile-enabled software solution to support this function.
In line with the Tascomi collaborative approach with customers, the software was developed using Agile techniques, resulting in a system which is extremely responsive to customer needs and has been rolled out in a very short timescale. Niall Adams, who led the project for Tascomi, said: “The Agile approach we used to develop the system had benefits for everyone and resulted in a highly efficient system which we believe will greatly assist the Animal Welfare Officers. The approach we have taken allowed us to deliver a solution in a streamlined fashion, and enabled more in-depth relationships with our users.”
As part of this project, Tascomi has also developed a mobile-working app to allow Animal Welfare Officers to view and update their caseload while in the field. Similar to the Tascomi Te-Licence app used by Licensing Officers in many Northern Ireland local authorities, this app has off-line functionality meaning officers can continue working even without an Internet connection. Through the app, officers have instant access to case information with the ability to input data remotely, removing unnecessary data re-entry when back at the office. Once an internet connection is available, the officer can then sychronise the new data back to the live system, ensuring that all other authorised Animal Welfare officers functions have access to the most up to date information. The app also has the ability to provide the officer with directions from the current location to the next case, helping to reduce the travel expenses incurred.
Tascomi’s wealth of experience developing software systems for Environmental Health, Licensing, Building Control and other departments in 24 out of the 26 Northern Irish local government authorities ensures that the software provides the Officers with the functionality and capability they require, Founded in 1998 and based in Hillsborough, Co. Down, Tascomi specialises in the development of web-based software to local and central government. Our focus is the delivery of more efficient working methods to our customers, through the use of innovative technologies and applying several methodologies that allow us to identify the inefficiencies in any process. We look forward to working further with the Local Authorities in Northern Ireland, in order to deliver significant cost savings and efficiencies in this difficult economic climate.
Tascomi Ltd.
3 Ballynahinch Street,
Hillsborough, Co. Down,
BT26 6AW
Tel: 0845 119 60 20
Email: sales@tascomi.com
Web: www.tascomi.com