Supporting technology in education

newletterImage A summary of how the Regional Support Centre can help the post-16 sector make the most of ICT, including its new online portal.

For over a decade, the Jisc RSCni has been supporting the post-16 education sector’s drive for innovation within teaching and learning. We have done this and continue to do so by providing resources, knowledge and expertise on the developments in information and digital technology.

With the evolving nature of technology, the Jisc RSCni constantly expands and develops its service to the sector and is the only organisation in Northern Ireland to recognise and celebrate the magnificent achievements of the post-16 education sector within the field of innovation in e-learning. This recognition is through the Jisc RSCni Annual Innovation in e-Learning Awards Ceremony.

This year the awards ceremony will be held in Riddel Hall, Belfast, on 10 April 2013. The Jisc RSCni established these awards in recognition of the many individuals and teams throughout Northern Ireland who are spearheading the development and effective use of technology to enhance teaching and learning.

Nominations for the awards have been put forward from the Higher Education, Further Education and the Training sectors and are in the fields of Innovation in Teaching and Learning, Infrastructure and Learning Support.

With the advancements in technology and the increased access to mobile technology, educational providers can find it challenging to incorporate these new technologies into teaching and learning. The Jisc RSCni has developed a programme of support to help staff develop their skill base with these technologies which will allow them to be able to effectively use them within their teaching.

The Jisc RSCni also provides support to learning providers to help them to provide a better service to their students. This academic year saw the release of new support programmes in the area of learner voice and e-progress.

Learner Voice has been designed to help “learning providers listening to students”. This provides students with a platform to discuss their opinions and concerns in relation to their course and the educational establishment. When analysed, the results can assist the learning provider in planning and implementing improvements.

The e-Progress Review service replaces the RSCni ILT Health Check. It allows for the surveying of staff, students and management within the organisation. The aim of this review is determine the extent to which e-learning is being incorporated into teaching, learning and business within the organisation in order to determine the level of e-progress made by the organisation as a whole.

To provide access to Jisc RSCni resources, RSCni launched its new support portal.

This portal been designed to be a gateway to all our services, workshops, software tutorials, eTool catalogue, resources, events, publications, news, videos and case studies of use of technology in education.


All of RSCni’s resources and social media pages can be accessed through the new Teaching and Learning Portal. You can follow us on facebook at, twitter at and our blog at for updates on RSCni events, our activity within the sector and new developments and trends in technology.

WhitebackgroundRSC-NI Manager: Kate Guy
Tel: 028 9097 6511

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