Belfast attracts major air routes conference

A major aviation conference will be hosted in Belfast in 2017 following a winning bid by a joint partnership of public and private sector organisations.  Routes Europe will take place on 23-25 April 2017 at the Waterfront Conference Centre and is expected to attract more than 1,200 delegates.

The annual event brings together decision-makers from airlines, airports and tourism authorities to negotiate and build relationships.  It is being viewed as an opportunity to showcase Northern Ireland’s tourism and business potential, and increase the number of air routes into the region. Previous host cities have attracted up to six new routes after the event.

The bid was put forward by Invest NI, Tourism NI and Tourism Ireland, Visit Belfast, Belfast City Council and the city’s two airports.

Routes’ Head of Future Hosting, Gerard Brown, commented: “Delegates will be exposed to the business and tourism opportunities that exist in Northern Ireland and our hosts will have the opportunity to showcase the unprecedented £300 million tourism infrastructure investment of recent years to the Routes community.”

He added that Belfast had shown that it can deliver world class events and the bid partners had demonstrated a “highly unified and aligned approach”. Brown concluded: “We look forward to working with them towards Routes Europe 2017 and are confident that our delegates will enjoy the unique and genuinely warm hospitality for which the city is renowned.”

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