
Single planning policy announced

021013WC3_023 Proposals for a single planning policy statement for Northern Ireland have been published by Environment Minister Mark H Durkan. A consultation on the draft statement will close on 29 April and the final version is to be issued by the end of the year.

Northern Ireland currently has 23 planning policy statements and the single statement will help to prepare the system for the introduction of the new councils in April 2015.

Significantly, it includes a presumption against hydraulic fracturing until the department is satisfied that there is “sufficient and robust evidence on all environmental impacts.” A ‘town centre first’ approach for the location of future retail and other town centre uses is also included.

“This is an exciting time for planning,” Durkan said. “I encourage everyone with an interest to contribute their views to this important consultation through our digital online interactive portal. By working together, we can shape planning policy to ensure an efficient and fit-for-purpose planning system which delivers for all.”

The portal is available at

Durkan has announced a series of other policies to replace the Planning Bill which he halted last year after amendments by the DUP and Sinn Féin.

These include intense pre-application discussions, prompt refusals of sub-standard planning applications, and ‘backlog blitzes’ to clear up outstanding consultations in the Northern Ireland Environment Agency.

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