Record electricity from renewables levels

Northern Ireland has recorded its highest ever levels of electricity consumption from renewables, well above the 40 per cent target set for the end of 2020.

The 47.7 per cent of total electricity consumption generated from renewable sources for the year between July 2019 and June 2020 is the highest on record and is 3.6 per cent above the 2018-2019 record breaking figure.

Northern Ireland electricity consumption from renewables has grown from a recorded baseline of 8.6 per cent in the year to June 2010. The Executive’s 2010-20 Strategic Energy Framework included a target to achieve 40 per cent of electricity consumption from renewable sources by 2020.

February 2020 represented a record high of total electricity consumption in Northern Ireland generated from renewable sources located in Northern Ireland of 69.3 per cent. Ten out of the 12 months to June 2020 saw a monthly proportion which exceeded 40 per cent and four of these exceeded 50 per cent.

April, May and June recorded the lowest monthly consumption volumes over the year and on record, reflecting the economic slowdown brought on by Covid-19.

A total of 7,505 GWh of total electricity was consumed in Northern Ireland for the 12-month period July 2019 to June 2020, 3,577 GWh was generated from renewable sources.

Wind continues to be the dominant source of renewable electricity, with 84.8 per cent of renewable electricity generated from this source. The 84.8 per cent of electricity generated from wind between July 2019 and June 2020 is slightly less that the 85.3 per cent recorded for the previous 12 months.

Non-wind renewable generation volumes have substantially increased in recent years. The 544.2 GWh recorded for the 12-month period ending June 2020 is significantly higher than the comparable 149 GWh recorded to June 2015. The current figure for non-wind renewable generation volume is the second highest on record.

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