Meeting the challenges of ageing

Fold TeleCare How Fold services respond to the needs of older people living independently.

Almost one in 10 people are aged over 75 and with our ageing population set to grow, Fold Housing Association is meeting the demand for independent living through its Housing with Care, TeleCare and Staying Put services.

Fold’s Director of Care Services, Fiona McAnespie, said: “Fold’s Housing with Care provides a unique model which ensures our tenants receive quality care and equality of opportunity to live their lives with maximum independence, be they frail or older or in the progressing stages of dementia.

“Apartments have their own front door, en suite facilities, a small kitchen, bedroom and living space. The care and support available allows tenants to get on with their daily lives. The aim of Housing with Care is to promote personal independence, dignity and choice in a homely environment.

“Fold’s TeleCare services offers a pendant alarm for users to call for assistance or help from anywhere in their own home. This provides support and peace of mind to users their friends and their families. Once the alarm is triggered, our TeleCare team contact the individual to see what assistance is required. Our TeleCare service means older people can go on living in their own home. It gives users confidence to know help is at hand if they need it.”

Additional sensors can also protect against baths overflowing, fire, falls and bogus callers. Sensors can help those in the early stages of dementia to maintain their independence and their tenancies.

She continued: “Sometimes small changes can make a big difference to someone’s independence. Our Staying Put service offers free support and advice to those applying for adaptations to their homes through the Northern Ireland Housing Executive Disabled Facilities Grant Scheme. We advise on grant applications, building control, planning permission, architects and builders. The advice is available to people, their carers and families living with a range of complex needs in any type of accommodation.

“Starting with the referral by the occupational therapist, Fold will assist with improvements covering anything from bedroom, kitchen and bathroom facilities, to access to your home and wheelchair ramps, heating and lighting improvements, extensions or downstairs bathrooms, and external safety and play facilities.”

FOLD LOGO Housing with Care schemes

Millbrook Court
228 Donaghadee Road
Bangor BT20 4RZ
Contact: Diane Strong
Tel: 028 9146 2472

Loughview, 159a High Street
Holywood BT18 9HU
Contact: Deidre Carr
Tel: 028 9042 5117

Glenowen Court
177a Anderstonstown Road
Belfast BT11 9EA
Contact: Mairead McCartan
Tel: 028 9060 2898

Manor Court, Sloan Street
Lurgan BT66 8NR
Contact: Carol McCoy
Tel: 028 3832 9586

Gnangara, 163 Sligo Road, Drumawill, Enniskillen BT74 7GZ
Contact: Kieran Lyons
Tel: 028 9039 4558

Seven Oaks, Crescent Link
Derry BT47 6DN
Contact: Toni Strawbridge
Tel: 028 9131 1278

TeleCare Tel: 0800 7313 081

Staying Put Tel: 028 9039 7173/4

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