Call for more water investment

Danny Kennedy new Regional Development Minister Danny Kennedy has welcomed the Utility Regulator’s recognition of Northern Ireland Water’s improvement in efficiency.

The Minister noted that “the provision of high quality water and sewerage services is a vital part of infrastructure.” He highlighted the importance of funding Northern Ireland Water in order to deliver further efficiency, as the Utility Regulator warned of possible future funding constraints.

Kennedy commented that a long-term strategic plan is needed “to ensure that our economy is supported, our environment protected and that the risk of flooding is reduced.” He added that a more joined-up approach is needed to achieve this and an inter-departmental working group is being set up.

The Minister also published consultation proposals in June to develop a strategic policy for water for the next 25 years. It will also focus on consumer needs and the maintenance and improvement of water and sewerage services. The consultation will finish in October.


agendaNi is pleased to clarify that a number of teachers from different backgrounds walked out during the school assembly reported in our last edition (issue 65, page 22).

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