Rewarding environmental success

Jenny Pyper Michael McKinstry Phoenix has once again received the top accolade for its green credentials.

Phoenix Natural Gas has been recognised for its significant impact in the area of environmental responsibility by achieving platinum status in the 16th Arena Network Environmental Benchmarking Survey.

The survey, carried out by the Arena Network and supported by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency, annually assesses top businesses in Northern Ireland for environmental management, performance and assurance.

Environment Minister Mark H Durkan said: “Too many people think creating a better environment means weakening our economy, the challenge of the 21st century is to invent new ways to deliver excellent environmental performance and create prosperity. The Benchmarking Survey highlights the need for businesses to see the environment as an opportunity and not a barrier. A reduction of environmental impacts through resource efficiency and investment in sustainable technologies helps to grow their business.

“I praise each organisation who took part in this year’s Benchmarking Survey. They clearly show how businesses can take effective action within their own companies and champion good environmental stewardship.”

Michael McKinstry, Chief Executive of the Phoenix Group, was delighted to have once again achieved the highest standard.

He remarked: “This is the 16th year that Phoenix has taken part in the Environmental Benchmarking Survey and we continue to strive to achieve best practice and challenge ourselves to innovate year-on-year. Environmental responsibility is at the very core of our overarching corporate responsibility programme and this award goes to underpin our continued investment in this area and our commitment to maintaining the highest standards.”

Chief Executive of the Utility Regulator and Business in the Community board member Jenny Pyper visited Phoenix in recognition of its achievement of placing first for environmental practices across the utilities sector.

She commented: “I commend Phoenix on their recent award and its sustained commitment to environmental best practice. It is important that the industry as a whole recognises the significance of environmentally responsible practices and the value to the communities in which they operate. By committing to be environmentally responsible, we are all making a positive difference across Northern Ireland.”

PNG_Blue_Logo Phoenix Natural Gas
197 Airport Road West
Belfast, BT3 9ED
Tel: 03454 55 55 55

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