Northern Ireland Energy Forum 2016

Antony Froggatt, Chatham House; Katherine White, Scottish Government; Nicholas Tarrant, NIE Networks; Jenny Pyper, Utility Regulator; and Ian McCarlie, Pinsent Masons.
Antony Froggatt, Chatham House; Katherine White, Scottish Government; Nicholas Tarrant, NIE Networks; Jenny Pyper, Utility Regulator; and Ian McCarlie, Pinsent Masons.

The Northern Ireland Energy Forum, supported by Pinsent Masons and NIE Networks, brought together Northern Ireland’s energy sector for a day of discussion focusing on the most important aspects of energy policy and the latest developments including the impact of Brexit and energy storage. Expert local speakers included representatives from the Utility Regulator, NIE Networks, SSE, SONI Ltd and Mutual Energy as well as a number of visiting speakers from the European Commission, ENTSOG and the Scottish Government.

Shane Brennan, SONI and Alastair McKinley, RPS.
Shane Brennan, SONI and Alastair McKinley, RPS.
Sarah Brady, Utility Regulator and Patrick Thompson, Energy Saving Trust.
Sarah Brady, Utility Regulator and Patrick Thompson, Energy Saving Trust.
Bob Ford, British Power International; John Woods, Linwoods; and Michael Hewitt, SONI.
Bob Ford, British Power International; John Woods, Linwoods; and Michael Hewitt, SONI.
Alan McVicker, Strategic Investment Board Limited with Cera Slevin, ESB.
Alan McVicker, Strategic Investment Board Limited with
Cera Slevin, ESB.



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