Hamilton to replace Wilson as Finance Minister
DUP MLA Simon Hamilton is expected to succeed Sammy Wilson as Finance and Personnel Minister in time for the Assembly’s return in September. A DUP spokesman confirmed to agendaNi that Hamilton’s appointment was unlikely before the summer recess and would be scheduled in a way that would not disrupt departmental business.
Wilson has held the portfolio since 2009, having previously been Environment Minister. Hamilton, aged 36, is Wilson’s Assembly Private Secretary and was an auditor with PwC in Belfast (2001-2003) before working as a DUP press officer.
Hamilton was elected as an MLA for Strangford in 2007 and chaired the Social Development Committee in the last Assembly term.
First Minister Peter Robinson had announced in 2011 that Jim Wells would succeed Edwin Poots as Health Minister in mid-2013. The spokesman confirmed that the statement still stands but said that the change-overs in finance and health were not linked. He acknowledged that Poots had been a “very good” Health Minister and expected him to continue to deal with the “current issues” in his remit (i.e. over Transforming Your Care).
The DUP has no plans to replace Arlene Foster as Enterprise Minister or Nelson McCausland as Social Development Minister.