After consultation with the Council for Catholic Maintained Schools (CCMS) and other representative bodies, the five education and library boards have published draft area plans for post-primary school provision. agendaNi outlines current numbers and projections. Consultation ends on 26 October.
Educational planners in each area have categorised schools into three subsets, which correspond with the system’s three broad sectors. |
A |
Protestant maintained
Non-Catholic voluntary grammar |
B |
Catholic maintained
Irish medium maintained
Catholic grammar |
C |
Grant maintained integrated
Controlled integrated |
Belfast Education and Library Board |
- 29,584 pupils attended the 35 post-primary schools during 2011-2012
- approximately 40 per cent of pupils travelled from outside Belfast
- seven non-selective schools (one controlled, six maintained) constituted the majority of 1,806 surplus places
- eight schools with enrolments below the minimum enrolment threshold of 500 for years 8-12
- attainment in eight non-selective schools and eight grammar schools below minimum acceptable thresholds
- four schools below the sixth form enrolment threshold
- seven schools with projected financial deficits
- 31,356 places needed in 2025: 14,242 in subset A; 15,433 in subset B and 1,681 in subset C
- the Northern Ireland Commission for Catholic Education and the CCMS have proposed four 11-19 schools to serve North Belfast and Glengormley area
- Catholic trustees have recommended examining the possibility of eight 11-19 schools (including a new school in Crumlin, Glenavy or Lisburn)
- an 11-19 co-educational campus to be created to cater for Ravenhill Road
North Eastern Education and Library Board |
- 32,060 pupils enrolled in 49 post-primary schools during 2011-2012
- 20 of 49 schools fall below the enrolment threshold of 500 for years 8-12
- 14 of 39 schools with a sixth form fall below the threshold of 100 pupils
- current surplus: 3,075 places, with 2,449 places in controlled schools
Overall projections
- pupil population increase: 2,052* by 2025
- sufficient overall capacity to facilitate the predicted increase
Central area (Antrim, Ballymena and Magherafelt)
- pupil population increase: 1,611 (from 13,974 to 15,585)
- 6,479 pupils will be in subset A, 6,669 in subset B and 2,437 in subset C
- total deficit: 950 (384 in subset A; 484 in subset B; 82 in subset C)
Northern area (Coleraine, Ballymoney and Moyle)
- pupil population decrease: 101
- 4,181 pupils will be in subset A, 2,907 in subset B and 420 in subset C
- total surplus: 1,267 (934 in subset A; 253 in subset B; and 80 in subset C)
Southern area (Carrickfergus, Larne and Netownabbey)
- pupil population increase: 542
- 8,999 pupils will be in subset A, 1,480 in subset B and 540 in subset C
- total surplus: 706 (796 in subset A; deficit of 50 in subset B; 40- place deficit in subset C)
South Eastern Education and Library Board |
- 36 post-primary schools
- 25,203 pupils and 1,867 unfilled places in 2011-2012
Overall projections
- pupil population increase: 1,828* by 2025
- total deficit: 61 places
- pupil population increase: 350
- 3,230 pupils will be in subset A, 238 in subset B and 587 in subset C
- total surplus: 315 (120 in subset A; 282 in subset B; 87-place deficit in subset C)
- pupil population increase: 148
- 1,430 pupils in subset A, 1,309 in subset B and 1,288 in subset C
- total surplus: 483 places (620 in subset A; deficits of 49 and 88 in subsets B and C respectively)
- pupil population increase: 297
- 1,693 pupils will be in subset A, 4,255 in subset B and 880 in subset C
- total surplus: 191 (39-place deficit in subset A; 230-place surplus in subset B)
- pupil population increase: 744
- 3,946 pupils in subset A, 1,230 in subset B and 985 in subset C
- total deficit: 523 places (368 in subset A; 20 in subset B; 135 in subset C)
North Down
- pupil population increase: 389
- 4,778 pupils in subset A, 640 in subset B and 539 in subset C
- total deficit: 527 places (298 in subset A; 140 in subset B; 89 in subset C)
Southern Education and Library Board |
- total enrolment of 33,230 during 2011-2012, with total capacity at 36,031
- no post-primary schools in the area in formal intervention
Overall projections
- pupil population increase: 7,106 by 2025 (from 33,230 to 40,336)
- total deficit: 4,305 places
- pupil population increase: 850
- 2,043 children will be in subset A and 3,770 in subset B schools
- total deficit: 499
- pupil population increase: 622
- 3,620 pupils will be in subset A, 445 in subset B and 619 in subset C
- total deficit: 493
- pupil population increase: 175
- 988 pupils will be in subset A and 940 pupils in subset B
- total surplus: 132
- pupil population increase: 1,732
- subset A schools to have 4,379 pupils; subset B to have 3,682 and subset C to have 488
- total deficit: 300
Dungannon and South Tyrone
- pupil population increase: 1,579
- subset A to have 2,104 pupils, subset B to have 4,787 pupils and 619 in subset C by 2025
- total deficit: 1,263
Newry and Mourne
- pupil population increase: 2,147
- 1,628 pupils in subset A schools, with 10,224 in subset B
- total deficit: 1,882
Western Education and Library Board |
- 43 post-primary schools
- post-primary schools are below the enrolment threshold of 500 for years 8-12
Overall projections
- pupil population increase: 913 by 2025 (from projected enrolment of 26,226 in 2011-2012 to 27,139)
- total surplus: 2,008 places
- pupil population increase: 303
- 1,739 pupils will be in subset A; 8,167 in subset B and 867 in subset C
- total surplus: 572 (131 in subset A; 508 in subset B, 67-place deficit in subset C)
- pupil population increase: 602
- 1,848 pupils will study in subset A, 3,429 in subset B and 474 in subset C
- total surplus: 464 (117 in subset A; 421 in subset B; 74-place deficit in subset C)
- pupil population increase: 45
- 1,629 pupils will be in subset A, 1,021 in subset B but no pupils in subset C
- total surplus: 380 (51 in subset A; 329 in subset B)
- pupil population increase: 109
- 1,111 pupils will be in subset A, 3,468 in subset B and 667 in subset C
- total surplus: 204 (79 in subset A; 212 in subset B; 87-place deficit in subset C)
- pupil population increase: 56
- 1,119 pupils will be in subset A and 1,600 in subset B
- total surplus: 388 (31 in subset A; 357 in subset B)