Enterprise partners boost job growth

With an unwavering commitment to grow the local economy, Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council (ABC Council) continues to use its leadership and influence to support sustainable economic development across the region.
Covering an area of 554 square miles and with a population of 210,300, which is set to increase to over 221,000 by 2021, the borough of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon is the second largest council area in Northern Ireland.
With over 8,100 registered businesses, equating to 12 per cent of all businesses in Northern Ireland and a total workforce of 72,300, the borough can proudly boast a strong economic and entrepreneurial reputation with a GVA (Gross Value Added) of £3.2 billion, the second highest output in Northern Ireland.
The right place to start a business
With the combination of a strong entrepreneurial culture, strategic location and robust business infrastructure – along with ABC Council’s commitment to provide information, services and programmes to nurture and develop the strength of its people – the borough certainly has the right conditions to sustain a thriving local economy.
Reinforced with a strong network of enterprise partners that offer a supportive and connected environment for micro, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to grow – it is clear to see why the borough has a strong business start up rate and more importantly survival rate.
Providing accommodation to over 260 local businesses and entrepreneurs, while also creating and sustaining over 1,100 jobs, the enterprise partners are the backbone of the borough’s economy. A major employer, they have a combined contribution of nearly £27 million in wages to the economy proving to be an important facet to the borough’s economic success.
Outgoing Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Alderman Gareth Wilson comments: “Enterprise partners play an integral role in enhancing the business environment of our borough, which is why we are committed to continuing our collaborative partnership to deliver future initiatives and address long-standing barriers to business growth.”
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
With five major enterprise partners situated in the borough, there are some 382 industrial units, offices and studios on offer to new and existing businesses. Providing opportunities for efficient and effective connections, these centres help support enterprise and growth in urban and rural areas across a varied and diverse range of sectors including food, manufacturing, engineering, retail, digital technology, pharmaceutical and service sectors.
Offering modern and affordable business space of various sizes to suit the needs of all businesses and entrepreneurs, the centres also provide 24-hour access, free onsite parking, reception services along with high-end facilities, well-appointed boardrooms and meeting rooms.
What’s more, it is the unseen benefits of the enterprise centres that is truly something to positively promote. Businesses based at the centres can take advantage of the synergies of working with and alongside other entrepreneurs by sharing contacts, fresh ideas, innovative ways of working and best practice. Plus, they can benefit from expert business guidance, information, mentoring, access to funding and training to help realise their business idea and take it to the next level.
For further information please contact the Economic Development department at Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council:
T: 0300 0300 900
E: info@armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk
W: armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk