Sentel on call to protect against toll fraud cyber attacks

Businesses in Northern Ireland are unwittingly providing vulnerable communication servers to cyber attackers to make huge sums of profit through unauthorised international calling.
That is the assertion of Ger Connery, Sentel CEO, who is warning businesses about the value of securing their telephone systems and avoiding potential monthly bills totalling thousands of pounds.
Toll fraudsters make huge sums of money by gaining unlawful remote access to businesses comms, such as through open voicemail, IP and SIP ports, making large volumes of international minutes and reselling them.
“It’s worth noting that you are not protected by the law because no regulations requires carriers to reimburse customers for fraud the way credit card companies must,” explains Connery.
Sentel are dedicated to identifying malicious VoIP attackers and how they are exploiting vulnerabilities for fraud. Connery adds: “Toll fraud in Northern Ireland is growing at a rate of 15 per cent every year and has become a thriving business for criminals. The majority, although not all, of attacks occur out of business hours, leaving the business owner unaware.
“Once it is established that fraudulent calls are taking place it can take days to shut the fraud down. This is where Sentel come in. Our automated AI engine developed in partnership with the Ulster University will automatically shut the fraudulent calls down and highlight suspicious activity right away to the right people. Our solution provides detection, immediate termination, alerting, and proactive notification to our customers.
“It seems that the Northern Ireland business community isn’t aware that their phone is a six-figure liability waiting to happen. From just a price of a coffee, the Sentel service is value for money when compared to costs that could be incurred in the event of a cyber hack. Sentel has the answer.”
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