Assembly round-up

Close votes and confrontations over the past took up a considerable amount of the Assembly’s business in September. MLAs were, though, more united in discussing the economy and improving children’s health services.

While its creation had not been intended by Edward Carson, Stormont was centre stage in September with the Ulster Covenant parade. A parading dispute also resulted in the first no confidence vote since devolution was restored.

On 18 September, UUP MLA Michael Copeland moved a notice of motion recognising the signing of the Ulster Covenant “as an historic and significant event in the history of Northern Ireland”. Alex Maskey noted its importance but added: “We should not miss the point that whenever the covenant was signed, it was about marshalling and mobilising tens of thousands of armed people. That brought its own responses, the consequences of which we are still living with.”

That motion was resolved without a vote. However, the following one raised tensions in the chamber with Gerry Kelly’s call for the loyal orders to hold direct dialogue with residents’ groups. A unionist amendment, which changed the motion to recognising the “positive community contribution” by the orders and calling on all community leaders to “ensure that their actions promote positive outcomes”, was narrowly carried (50-48).

Alasdair McDonnell brought forward the SDLP’s no confidence motion in Nelson McCausland on 24 September. McCausland, he stated, had failed to condemn the actions of the Young Conway Volunteers band outside St Patrick’s Church on 12 July: “He ducked and dived and in fact, in the end, he justified them.” The Minister retorted that that he had not broken the ministerial code of conduct or the pledge of office, adding: “I totally refute any suggestion to the contrary.”

A DUP petition of concern would have ruled the vote invalid if a majority had been in favour. When the House divided, 47 MLAs backed the SDLP motion: 37 nationalist members, the eight Alliance MLAs, Steven Agnew and David McClarty. Forty-nine MLAs, all unionists, were opposed although liberal Ulster Unionists John McCallister and Basil McCrea did not go through the lobbies. Sinn Féin ministers also did not vote, in a bid to avoid a split in the Executive, although Assembly round-up Alex Attwood, David Ford and Stephen Farry could not express confidence in their fellow Minister.

Gregory Campbell’s call for an apology from the Irish Government, for its alleged role in the IRA’s campaign, prompted a divisive debate and was passed by just one vote (47-46) on 17 September. On the same day, though, the House united around Edwin Poots’ heartfelt tribute to the Spence family on their loss. The untimely passing of Fermanagh GAA player Brian Óg Maguire was also acknowledged.

In other business, the Charities Bill and Business Improvement Districts Bill passed their second stages and the House debated the job losses at FG Wilson and the potential for an all-Ireland short-stay visa (a Sinn Féin proposal). Health was a uniting factor as Poots pledged to fully explore an all-island solution for children’s heart surgery, responding to a motion brought forward by the Health Committee. The Hallowe’en recess takes place between 27 October and 4 November.

Major debates
Date Subject Result
10 September Finance: Reduced rate of VAT for tourism-related services in Northern Ireland Resolved (no vote)
11 September Immigration: Introduction of a single visa scheme for visitors to the island of Ireland Negatived (46-41)
25 September Second stage: Civil Service (Special Advisers) Bill Resolved (62-32)
Stormont diary
Date Subject
10 October Public Accounts: Use of PSNI agency staff
11 October Environment: Planning Bill briefing
11 October Enterprise & Finance: Ulster Bank systems failure
16-17 October Social Development: Visit to Scotland to review best practice
17 October Education: Briefing on common funding scheme review
18 October Agriculture: Fact-finding visit to Kilkeel fishing port
18 October Culture: Disability Sport NI briefing on Paralympics
23 October AERC: Final draft report on number of departments
24 October Health: Tobacco Retailer Sanctions Bill briefing
Bill tracker
Executive Bill Stage
Business Improvement Districts Committee
Charities Committee
Criminal Justice Committee
Education First (2 October)
Inquiry into Historical Institutional Abuse Committee
Marine Committee
Superannuation Committee
Welfare Reform First (1 October)
Non-Executive Bill Stage
Civil Service (Special Advisers) Committee
New Acts Royal assent
Budget (No. 2) 20 July
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