
Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon in numbers

A statistical snapshot of the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon districts.

Population by age (2011)

Armagh Banbridge Craigavon ABC
0-5 13,145 10,812 20,520 44,477
16-39 19,218 15,206 31,360 65,784
40-64 18,555 15,625 28,526 62,706
65-84 7,467 5,894 11,238 24,599
85+ 955 802 1,379 3,136
Total 59,340 48,339 93,023 200,702

% Pupils achieving Level 4 in Key Stage 2 tests (2010)

Maths English
Armagh 84.4 84.3
Banbridge 84.3 86.0
Craigavon 86.5 82.9
ABC 85.3 84.0
Northern Ireland 82.9 82.3

Life expectancy at birth (2006-2010)

Male Female
Armagh 76.5 81.7
Banbridge 78.2 82.3
Craigavon 77.0 82.2
ABC * *
Northern Ireland 77.1 81.5

Labour market (2011)

Area Number of jobs %
Public Private Total Employed Unemployed
Armagh 6,005 12,949 18,954 55.2 5.1
Banbridge 2,907 7,514 10,421 63.8 4.0
Craigavon 11,232 25,631 36,863 62.5 5.0
ABC 20,144 46,094 66,238 * *
Northern Ireland 213,352 468,289 681,641 56.5 5.2

Sources: Northern Ireland Census 2011, Department of Education, Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Labour Force Survey.
*figures not available for the combined Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon area

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