Health and social services at work

agendaNi analyses the latest figures from the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety’s 2015 workforce census.

 The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety’s workforce census is the most reliable guide to just how many people work in health and social care in Northern Ireland. The most recently published figures are accurate as of 31st March, 2015.


The information was collected from the human resources, payroll, travel and subsistence database maintained by the various Health and Social Care (HSC) organisations. The figures published exclude bank staff (who fill staffing shortfalls to maintain service delivery) and home helps/domiciliary care staff. Also excluded are staff on career breaks, non-Trust staff and Chairpersons/Members of Boards. The census does not report on General Practitioners and General Dental Practitioners as they are independent contractors rather than employees of HSC organisations.

The figures mentioned in the census relate to the whole-time equivalent (WTE) number of staff. The whole-time equivalent number of staff is calculated by aggregating the total number of hours that staff in a grade are contracted to work, and dividing that number by the standard hours for that grade. In this way, part-time staff are converted into an equivalent number of ‘whole-time’ staff.


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