Action plan for walking and cycling
An action plan to promote walking and cycling and reduce dependency on cars has been launched by Transport Minister Danny Kennedy. This follows on from the Executive’s active travel strategy –published in January – and covers the period 2013-2015. One of the strategy’s main aims is to encourage local authorities to promote more walking and cycling in the communities that they serve.
“The response from local councils has been most encouraging,” Kennedy remarked. “Altogether, 19 councils have brought forward initiatives, either individually or in partnership with other bodies, for inclusion in the action plan.”
Kennedy launched the action plan at the Palace Demesne in Armagh, which includes a walking and cycling route into the city.
Armagh Lord Mayor Robert Turner explained that the route went on to link the city centre, cathedrals and the Mall. “This is an important project for the council, opening up this beautiful parkland for the enjoyment of the public in the heart of our city,” he commented.
Other projects will include a public bike hire scheme in Belfast, walkways and cycle paths in Derry city, Craigavon and Strabane, and the delivery of extra cycle and walking skills training in at least 60 schools per year.